Friday, April 30, 2010


Ever since their inception in 1990 amid the Roadrunner led surge of death metal, Arghoslent have always stood out from the crowd. Courting controversy with lyrics of semi-veiled racism, ties to white supremacist groups and sporting aliases such as Pogrom, has earned them little love from the media. Infamy aside, Arghoslent also stand apart from their peers with their unique style of play. Forgoing technical masturbation or brutal chugging, instead allowing a simple love of NWOBHM to permeate their fine song crafting skills, replacing blast beats with more traditional metal drumming to complement the fantastic guitar melodies: creating sublime metal that is surprisingly accessible to even the most timid metal head, making labels somewhat redundant. A twenty year career with just three full length albums may seem skimpy, but quality always beats quantity and quality is one thing Arghoslent do not lack for. If you worship at the altar of the almighty riff, you’ll find a lot to like in this band.

Recommended Works
Galloping Through the Battle Ruins (LP): their first full length effort and fan favourite, showcasing all the traits they are known, loved and hated for.

Send Forth the Best Ye Breed (Split): after the disappointing release of “Hornets of the Pogrom”, they bounced back, showcasing their talent to the full with perhaps their best songs to date. Album partners, Martial Barrage, are worth a listen too.

Incorrigible Bigotry (LP): my personal favourite album, awash with perfect guitar harmonies and amazing riffs. Among the greatest death metal albums written.

Current Members
Ulfhedinn - Vocals
Pogrom aka Gelal Necrosodomy - Guitar
Holocausto - Guitar
Einzelganger - Bass
Aktion T4 - Drums

Former Members
The Genocider, Gravedigger, Von Demonicus - Vocals
Kommando (Thom Huff) - Bass
M. S. (Mark Stauffer), Alienchrist aka The Gulag (Matt Sylvester) - Drums

Essential Tracks
Tar-Skinned Pygmoids of the Dense Bush
Fall of the Melanic Breeds
The Purging Fires of War
Fodder for the Shoah
Quelling the Simian Surge

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